$3.28 tip irritates the waiter. When an unexpected letter arrives days later, eyes widen.

You will thus find the appropriate 18% gratuity plus more in this envelope for just being wonderful. We thank you for making our evening enjoyable and for your assistance and patience. I’m grateful.

With a cost of around $100, a $3.28 tip is less than four percent of the total! Fortunately, the teenagers caught on to their error and took the proper action.

The server shared a photo of the letter and some heartfelt and motivational remarks on social media:

“In all the years I’ve been serving, neither I nor anybody else has experienced anything like this. I’m not sure how you became knowledgeable about tipping, but I really appreciate your work and consideration. I hope you had an amazing time at homecoming!

People don’t always go above and beyond to make amends, but when they do, it can genuinely make a world of difference. This diligent waiter earned it so much!