Advice on using lemon to reduce severe wrinkles on the face.

– Juice from one fresh lemon

Lemon is great for protecting your skin every day and for fighting wrinkles. Its rich vitamin C helps produce collagen, which is essential for smoother skin and slowing down the aging process. Also, the vitamin C in it helps to improve skin tone and decrease wrinkles.

– Rose water: 4 tablespoons

Rose water is a natural antibacterial that can help reduce the signs of aging on the skin. Its antioxidants help reduce skin aging signs.

– Beer: 2 tablespoons

Beer is made of water, malt, hops, and yeast. It contains mineral salts, potassium, and vitamin B. It is believed to keep you hydrated and can help prevent skin aging.

– A small towel or ball of cotton.

How can I apply this technique?

First, combine beer, rose water, and organic lemon juice. Then, put this homemade lotion on your face using a washcloth or cotton pad. Wait for 15 minutes, then wash your face with warm water and put on your regular moisturizer.

By using this liquid regularly, your skin will become smoother and wrinkles will be reduced a lot.


– When you put lemon on your face, avoid sunlight. Lemon makes your skin more sensitive to sunlight. To stay safe, we suggest using this lotion at night and rinsing it off in the morning.

– Using too much lemon juice on the skin for an extended period can cause irritation, so it’s best to avoid doing so.