Making homemade pesticide to eradicate mosquitoes, cockroaches, and flies

In general, pests that penetrate homes and manifest at various periods of the year are something we all battle. For instance, bothersome insects like mosquitoes and flies emerge in the summer, but there are regrettably many more, depending on where we live.This post will provide us with two effective pesticide recipes that are made entirely of organic components and are simple to make at home.

Below, we’ll look at how to achieve it:

To tackle these bothersome bugs, let’s see how to prepare this really potent DIY insecticide:

1. Alcohol made from garlic
Ingredients: 5 garlic cloves (per half-liter solution).
Spirits (70.5 to 90.5°)
One drop of detergent that is neutral
One bottle of spray
Recall that the mixture has to have 50% alcohol and 50% water.

We get ready and apply: First, chop the garlic cloves and put them in an alcoholic container.
We then left it there for a full day to relax.
We add water and neutral detergent the next day.
After thorough mixing, we transfer the mixture to a spray bottle.
It is advised to apply the DIY pesticide by misting the leaves and stems.
Important: This product lasts for a few days and may even be stored outside of the refrigerator; however, it should always be kept out of direct sunlight.

It is ready for use right now, safe for dogs, affordable, and achieves great results when it comes to controlling pests!

2. Mothballs, cloves, and alcohol
thirty grams of napthalene
100 ml of liquid soap or detergent
One hundred milliliters of alcohol
One cup of vinegar with alcohol
Two hundred milliliters of water
Twenty Cloves
Not required: Even though cloves have higher potency, we may add coffee to the mix if we so want.

Continued on the next page