Mix these two ingredients and you’ll save a lot of money at the end of the month.

Inflation of 12% has led to a general and dizzying cost of living in all regions. From electricity and gas bills to all the products in the supermarket (food, personal care and household care). A curiosity to know is that many have noticed a reduction in the amount of product inside the various packages. This is a strategy adopted by companies to cope with soaring prices. So it’s all to the detriment of our wallets, but here’s what you need to do to eliminate this expense forever.

Mix these two ingredients and create the perfect detergent

No need to buy detergents at the supermarket: with these two simple, inexpensive ingredients, we can create it right at home. The process is very simple, and all you need to do is follow a few simple steps. The two ingredients to combine are baking soda and Marseille soap.

To create a detergent from these two ingredients, you need to follow a simple but very precise procedure. The first thing to do is sprinkle 500 grams of baking soda onto a baking sheet. You’ll notice lumps of baking soda, and these need to be crushed with a spatula to make the mixture homogeneous.

Once done, place the pan in the oven set to 200 degrees for a full hour. This may seem strange, but it’s a fundamental step, as it allows us to make our baking soda much more alkaline. While it’s cooking, take a whole stick of Marseille soap and, using the grater, create tiny soap petals.

Add these fragrant petals to the baking soda previously heated in the pan, and carefully mix the two ingredients together. During this phase, they won’t be liquid; they’ll almost resemble powders. We recommend using a latex glove for this operation. Now let’s take a look at how to proceed once you’ve completed this first stage of the process.